In June we decided to spend the little stash that we had set aside for adoption on several farm projects that we had been dreaming about. It had been a year and a half and several disappointments and our adoption paperwork had all expired. We decided that maybe now wasn't the time and we would set aside this dream of adding a baby girl to our home and move on with life. If God wanted us to have a girl He could still arrange it in His own way, we were done "knocking on doors"
June 2010 the root cellar area was dug out and we started fencing in the whole front left portion of our land in preparation for animal pasture. It was July when we finished the fencing, and we learned that there may be better times of the year to set up fencing than during the very hottest months.
Our friends, Garin and Lani heard that we were interested in getting some goats and they gave us their two does, and two newborn kids. Our friends were relocating because of his job and could no longer keep goats in their new suburban area. We also got three additional goats from a neighbor lady who had used them to clear out her horse pasture but didn't intend to keep them. So for a grand total of $40.00 we now had a a small herd of 4 full grown does and 1 yearling and two newborn wethers. Sweetness!

The three goats from our neighbor lady were very skiddish and we found them un-tameable. In the spring they would all become sausage, but what can you expect for $40, right? Of the two does given to us by our friends, we discovered that the one who had just kidded, "Bean", was a horrible milker. The most milk I ever got from her at a milking was 1 pint of milk and she averaged more like a 1 1/2 cups per milking. The Black and white goat, "Mulks" had potential promise, since she was 50% Saanen. We hoped that breeding her with another friend's Nubian buck might yield good quality kids in the spring and maybe she would be a better milker, too.
As you can see, the boys loved the kids!
And after our money was all spent............guess what? Yup, we got that call about our baby girl. You can read all about that on my other blog by clicking on the link below.
Itty Bitty Alexis